Adam Buchanan Polo Horses

Adam Buchanan has been inspired by many top pros, from playing or working with top polo pro players like: Adolfo Cambiaso, Carlos Gracida, Memo Gracida, Javier Novillo Astrada, Miguel Novillo Astrada, Adam Snow, Owen Rinehart, Corky Linfoot, Benjamin Arraya. These top players have develop a specific knowledge of the polo pony, its stable management, training, buying, selling and busniess. The skill needed to understand polo confirmation and its mechanics, instrumental in helping a horse to succeed in its riders goal. The concept and value in development process or training is in the understanding of their language 'Equus'.

Confirmation of the horse are the basic ingredients which usually allows the horse a percentages to successfully obtain the job required. This percentage is coupled with its attitude, acceptance and time to preform the horse to its highest ability.

Adam Buchanan Polo
Is your horse listening?

The first 'Join Up' development process is one of marking time with communication. Understanding a language Equus that will allow you both to understand and intergrate rather than a blurring border of separation. This will create a quinessential platform or foundation for other works via the continuum of this concept forum. The horseman will be a conductor, a mediator and protector, achieving to harbinger a natural style and mood, fluid movement constantly changing and developing to the horses curious and questioning senses.